Tuesday, October 23, 2007

“The Moffitt & Frankie Show” (101 The Fox – KCFX (FM)) “Kansas City’s Classic Rock Station”

October 17, 2007 7:00 AM (Central) - “The Moffitt & Frankie Show” (101 The Fox – KCFX (FM)) "Kansas City’s Classic Rock Station" This was a great show! Moffitt & Frankie led the way… Many questions, many answers. I truly look forward to appearing on this show again in the future.

Click here to listen to the Interview on “The Moffitt & Frankie Show”. Look for Friday, October 19 Ever wonder why…? and my picture in "October 2007".

Sunday, October 14, 2007

“The Jim Korhan Show” (95 WASB) “The Revolution Is Now”

October 14, 2007 9:20PM (Central) - “The Jim Korhan Show” (95 WASB) "The Revolution Is Now"

Wow! What an Interview… This was an Interview like no other. I’m a little speechless. Thankfully, I wasn’t speechless on the air.

Upon welcoming me to the show, the Interview started with the Host informing me that he and his co-Host/Sidekick, prior to me joining, were discussing why Black males have a certain large body part (and I don’t mean nose…). They said that they were told by one of their Black friends that the answer was “Government Cheese” (a.k.a. welfare cheese). This Interview was like being at an amusement park. It was one continuous wild ride!

One of the themes mentioned throughout by the Host was that White people are scared of Black people. I responded that one of the reasons I wrote the book “Did You Ever Wonder Why Black People Do The Things They Do?” was to alleviate the perceived fear of Blacks by educating and informing others about Blacks. What’s funny is that after the Interview it was mentioned by the Hosts that they were a little scared just talking to me. I think they were joking…I hope…

And as usual, the use of the “N” word by some Blacks came up again… After this discussion, the Host informed me that he wanted to start his own rap group and call it “HWA” (a.k.a. Honkies With an Attitude) in much the same manner as an earlier Black rap group called “NWA” (a.k.a. “N” word With an Attitude).

As part of the “N” word follow on discussion, the Hosts discussed their frustration with being able to use this word with their Black friends but that they had to constantly look over their shoulders because one never knows who (especially Black people) might hear you and then want to punch you in the face.

Like I said in the beginning… Wow! What an Interview…

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

“TALKBACK” with Chuck Morse (AM 1280 The Blend - WEIM) "Total Radio for the Heart of New England"

October 10, 2007 4:00PM (Central) - “TALKBACK” with Chuck Morse (AM 1280 The Blend - WEIM) "Total Radio for the Heart of New England"

During the Interview, the Host (Chuck Morse – happens to be White) stated that the contributions of Blacks in America are truly awe inspiring given the challenges they have had to face. He also felt that given the number of Blacks in high positions (e.g. Senator Barak Obama, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, and a number of other Blacks) people are more informed than they were in the past reference the difference between Whites and Blacks.

I basically agreed that people are more informed; however, there is still work to be done… To prove that point, I mentioned the fact that I was once asked within the last 12 months by a White male “Why Black People Shoot Their Guns Sideways”. I stated to this man that I had never seen anyone Black shoot a gun sideways and asked if he had ever personally observed this. He responded that he hadn’t personally observed it but had seen it in the Movies and on TV. Hmmmm….

The Interview lasted about 30 minutes with a number of questions and answers. Definitely a good dialogue… Unfortunately, the archive of the Interview is not available at this time. Will let you know when it is.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

“After Midnight” with Rick Barber (News Radio 850 KOA) – Denver

October 4, 2007 4:00AM (Central) – “After Midnight” with Rick Barber (News Radio 850 KOA) – Denver

This was a really good show. We discussed a number of questions. The conversations (from the Host – Rick Barber & Callers) were constructive not destructive or confrontational.

Some of the questions were:
- Why do Black people use the “N” Word?
- Why do Blacks feel it is ok to demean women (e.g. Isaiah Thomas and Music Videos)?
- What does “Acting White” mean when Black people say it about each other?
- Why is it that White people must watch everything they say so as not to offend anyone?
- Why are Blacks lost in the past?

To listen to the archived show, click LISTEN and look for the below two “Parts”:

Thursday, October 4th 3AM Part 1
Our guest this hour: Kevin Moore, motivational speaker, race relations expert and author of Did You Ever Wonder Why Black People Do the Things They Do?. We examine the realities behind black stereotypes.

Thursday, October 4th 3AM Part 2
The second half of our entertaining and fascinating interview with Kevin D. Moore.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Upcoming Live Radio Interviews

October 3, 2007 3:30PM (Central) – “The ShOw” with Scottie McCall (WBNW 1120AM) – Boston

You can listen to the Interview at the below link:

October 4, 2007 4:00AM (Central) – “After Midnight” with Rick Barber (News Radio 850 KOA) – Denver

You can listen to the Interview at the below link:

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Sandy Rios Show (Interview) September 28, 2007

I definitely enjoyed being a guest on the show. Sandy’s guest line up was interesting. First to be interviewed was me (your’s truly) and then Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, Chairman of GOPAC. Needless to say, given the current events involving race and politics, there was plenty to talk about.

Here are some of the questions that were asked of me:
- Did I watch the PBS Republican Presidential Candidate Forum (September 27, 2007) and what did I think of it?
- What does the Black Community think of Alan Keys the only Black Republican Presidential Candidate?
- How do I feel about the fact that Whites in the media (e.g. Bill O’Rielly) must watch everything they say so as not to offend anyone?
- How do I feel about Jesse Jackson’s comment about Barak Obama acting White reference the Jena 6 controversy?
- What are my feelings reference a great deal of money going to support the War in Iraq when it could be used here in America?
- How do I think the U.S. Military did and is doing as far as integration?

You can listen to the Interview at the below link:
Download MP3 Fri 09/28/2007 Hour #1: Kevin D. Moore re: his book Did You Ever Wonder Why Black People Do the Things They Do?